Final Words Please send me any suggestions you might have for NetRPG at Erich G Bratton ____________________________________________________ As quoted from Peter Lewis about Chat 1.1.0: Chat 1.1.0 © Peter N Lewis, Mar 1992. This program is free, but I retain the copyright on it. As quoted from me, Erich Bratton, about NetRPG: NetRPG is Copyright Erich G Bratton,1994-1995. NetRPG is emailware - it's free, but I want to know who you are, so I can get feedback! Note to archivists: Feel free to include this program on any CD's or archives. ____________________________________________________ Thanks to Nathan and Peter for their work on Chat, and to Mike Duff, Mike Stangel, Alex Bratton, and Chell Nyquist for being constant beta testers and players through the first year of development! ____________________________________________________ Webbers, check out this Role Playing Games Page